The last chapter in the MotoGP™24 development: we again asked the Game Director Matteo Pezzotti and the Lead Game Designer Stefano Talarico to have a word with us on the LiveGP Championship. Let’s discover more!
MotoGP™24 is finally in your hands, but we’re not done.
After diving deep into the gameplay, and moseying around the Riders Market, we are now at the end of our journey: the LiveGP Championship is our last stop in the MotoGP™24 development.
If you enjoy facing others in breathtaking races, and claiming the top position while also gaining the best rank in the game, this is an appointment you don’t want to miss. The LiveGP Championships are waiting for their next Champion, and it could be you!
Let’s start with a general overview of the LiveGP Championships, this year’s big news regarding the online features.
Sure. As you said, these championships are this year’s big news: within the LiveGP events, ten of them are part of the LiveGP Championship. We are planning to organise one championship a month, usually consisting of 10 events. An important distinction has to be made between what we call Ranking Points (RP) and Championship Points (CP): the first ones refer to the players’ rank and are needed to reach the next tier or rank; the CPs refer to the Championship itself and they are reset with every new Championship. Race after race you face your opponents to earn points: RPs can be obtained in every LiveGP session, they’re not limited to the LiveGP Championships; CPs, on the other hand, are related only to the LiveGP Championships and, as I said, they reset with every new Championship. This is for a general, overall view of the feature. Now let’s dive deep into it.
[Matteo Pezzotti, Game Director]
So, ten events per championship. How often are these events held exactly?
We aim to have one during the week and two on the weekend. This is not written in stone, there could be a week with only one event on the weekend, but it’s the road we want to follow and keep, so the players who want to compete can organise themselves accordingly.
[Matteo Pezzotti, Game Director]
How are the points assigned among the twelve players at the end of the race?
Let’s take a step back first. We have four ranks: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Each of them, apart from the Platinum, has three tiers: so Bronze 3, Bronze 2, and Bronze 1; Silver 3, Silver 2, and Silver 1; Gold 3, Gold 2, and Gold 1. If you want to rank up from Bronze to Silver, first you need to reach Bronze 1. Back to the points assignment, we looked at the real championship as a reference and started to build our rankings based on the players’ ranks. Furthermore, we wanted to reward the players for facing tough opponents, so the higher the rank, the more points they get at the end of the race. Take the first position as an example: on Bronze, you gain 20 points, on Silver 23, on Gold 25, and on Platinum 28.
[Stefano Talarico, Lead Game Designer]
Does the ranking system only work in promotion or also in relegation?
It works both ways. After a race, starting from a certain position and below, the players will lose RPs, which are detracted from their total.
[Matteo Pezzotti, Game Director]
And what happens if a player disconnects from a race?
In terms of RPs, also called Elo Points for those familiar with the Elo System, they lose them. In terms of Championship Points, if they’re taking part in a LiveGP Championship, they gain nothing. 0 points.
[Matteo Pezzotti, Game Director]
How many points do I need to level up my rank/tier? For example from Bronze 3 to Bronze 2 and up to Silver?
We opted for the 300-point threshold. To level up between ranks, we ask the players nothing else: some games add a bit of challenge before you can level up your rank, but in MotoGP™24 the challenge itself lies in the fact that the higher your rank, the stronger your opponents get. So you need to behave accordingly if you want to finally get to Platinum.
[Stefano Talarico, Lead Game Designer]
We hope you’ve enjoyed reading this last chapter of MotoGP™24: From the Paddock. We’re waiting for you on track tomorrow with the Red Bull Ring!